Souls Harbor Baptist Church

Discipleship Groups

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Proverbs 27:17

The church is like a family for the people of God. It is the pillar and ground of the truth, and Jesus said that if we would know the truth, the truth would make us free. Free from false belief systems, philosophies, and the paths of life those things lead us down, taking us farther from the truth and a real relationship with God our maker. 

Discipleship Opportunities

sunday Schools & Classes 9:30Am-10:15Am

Young Adults:
meet in Fellowship Hall
 Adults & Seniors:
meet in Auditorium
meet in Teen Room
 Children (divided by ages):
meet in Designated Rooms

wednesday 7:00pm-8:00pm

Young Adults:
coming soon-Register now!
Adults & Seniors:
meet in Auditorium
meet in Teen Room
 Children (divided by ages):
meet in Designated Rooms

Sign up today for a discipleship group!

We'd love to get you connected to a discipleship group in your station of life. Fill out the form below to get started.

Discipleship helps people grow in their faith and build a lasting community of friendship. Our classes take place on Sundays and Wednesdays, so use this form to find a class that's right for you. We'd love to have you join us!