Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
MATTHEW 28:19-20
The mission of the church is the mission of Christ!
Every believer is a missionary commissioned from God to GO tell the world that Jesus saves: A personal witness of the personal Savior to every person. This is accomplished through individual effort, through church-wide effort, and through personal pledges to give financially by faith to the missions program of the church.
Every believer is a missionary commissioned from God to GO tell the world that Jesus saves: A personal witness of the personal Savior to every person. This is accomplished through individual effort, through church-wide effort, and through personal pledges to give financially by faith to the missions program of the church.

Active Missionaries
North, South & Central America
Adams family
Bateman family
Cato family
Canfill family
Goin family
Hendrigsman family
Holland family
Lyon family
Nichols family
Reedy family
Wallace family
Bateman family
Cato family
Canfill family
Goin family
Hendrigsman family
Holland family
Lyon family
Nichols family
Reedy family
Wallace family
Abotchi family
J. Demarest family
S. Demarest family
Depew family
Knickerbocker family
Norris family
Robinson family
Schwaderer family
J. Demarest family
S. Demarest family
Depew family
Knickerbocker family
Norris family
Robinson family
Schwaderer family
Europe & Surrounding Area
The Uttermost
Carney family
Crego family
Cronan family
Dice family
Haley family
Hinson family
Homan family
Kessler family
Kreh family
MacLennan family
Moore family
Parsons family
Phillips family
Wilson family
Crego family
Cronan family
Dice family
Haley family
Hinson family
Homan family
Kessler family
Kreh family
MacLennan family
Moore family
Parsons family
Phillips family
Wilson family
Glisson family
Johnson family
Kelley family
Kim family
Salvador family
Smith family
Walz family
Johnson family
Kelley family
Kim family
Salvador family
Smith family
Walz family
Join the mission
Serve the gospel mission of Christ around the world
You can give financially to the missions program of the church to help support our family of missionaries, either on a one-time basis or monthly. All funds designated for missions goes directly to the support of our missionaries. Contact us for more details!