Souls Harbor Baptist Church
Seedline Ministry
Souls Harbor has been collating scripture for many years, having a heart to have a direct hand in putting the Word of God together so that they can be shipped to missionaries around the world at no cost to them, who will then get them into the hands of people so that they  can know God, too!

We are nearing 4,000,000 scripture portions assembled and invite you to be a part of this vital ministry! We meet every Tuesday morning at 9AM in the Seedling Ministry room, where Coffee is always on and tasteful treats made by ministry members are sure to keep you collating!
Donations are always appreciated as 100% of funds designated towards Seedline Ministry go towards more paper, staples, covers, shipping and related costs. You can donate online right here. Please be sure to select "SEEDLINE" from the "Fund
 menu for this donation. Thank you!