Souls Harbor Baptist Church

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Welcome, & thank you!

Souls Harbor Baptist Church welcomes you and thanks you for stopping by our home on the web! We have tried to provide you as much information on this site as possible to assist you. If there is something that we could do to make this experience better, please let us know!  

For our first-time guests, there are designated parking spaces near the main entrance marked with signs which state, "Visitor Parking." There are several designated disability parking spaces as well, and a portico to drop off passengers in the event of inclement weather. The main entrance is located directly underneath the steeple. For those who wish to avoid stairs, there is an exterior ramp directly to the right of the main entrance as well as an interior ramp located through the double-doors to the left of the main entrance.

We are a Bible-believing church that exists to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ by loving him supremely and loving our neighbors as ourselves so that through our teaching,  preaching and living of the Bible, all might know they have eternal life and live a life that is pleasing to God and truly benefits others, too.
 Join us for our services!

When we Meet

Sunday Mornings

9:30 am ~ SUNDAY SCHOOLS  


7:00 pm

What To Expect

Sunday Mornings begin with Sunday Schools and Discipleship Classes for children, teens, & adult groups at 9:30. The children all begin in the auditorium and are then dismissed to classes after an opening song.

At 10:30, our morning worship service takes place in the auditorium. Children's Church for age 3 through kindergarten is held in Classroom #5 and Junior Church for grades 1-6 are held in Classroom #3.

The Sunday evening service is a family-oriented time, with adults, teens, and children all together, and is held in the auditorium. Choir practice is also held on Sunday evenings. Other classes will run periodically as scheduled.

On Wednesday nights, SHYN (Souls Harbor Youth Night) Kids Clubs welcomes your kids to a night of fun and learning. Kids, ages 3-Kindergarten, meet in Classroom #5. Kids, Grades 1-3 meet in Classroom #2. Kids, Grades 4-6 meet in Classroom #3. The Gym and Outdoors are also used for games. Your Teens are invited to our High Octane Teen Ministry held in Classroom #8, while also utilizing the Gym, Rec. Room, & Outdoors.   The main service for adults is held in the auditorium. Other classes will run periodically as scheduled.

When you enter the foyer, a member will be there to greet you, answer your questions, show you around, or whatever else you may need; just ask!

There is a staffed nursery for each service, where infants to age three can be safely cared for.

Safety and Sanitation are important to us.
Only members who consent to regular background checks, training, and supervision work with children's ministries. A Safety Team is on hand for every service, monitored security cameras are installed throughout the facilities and cleaning crews attends to sanitary needs twice a week. We welcome any questions or concerns you may have!

A member of our Hospitality Team will be happy to show you where specific classroom locations are.

Please let us know how we may be a blessing to you!
There are multiple pages on this site that explain our various ministries & classes that are available.

How To Contact Us
115 Caywood road
Marietta OH 45750

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 Fill out the form below to get started.