Souls Harbor Baptist Church

We Are Brethren!

Oct 1, 2023    Pastor Matthew Stahl

Now that Paul has rebuked and admonished the churches of Galatia for their turning from the truth of the gospel to false doctrine and therefore unchristian behavior, he now proceeds in the next ten verses to exhort them in the True Christian Liberty as it is supposed to take effect regarding our Christian Family Relations and Responsibilities, for we are of the “Household of faith.” The churches of Galatia, having come under satanic deception of false doctrine, had also become a group of churches that failed of the grace of God as it relates to how they are to treat one another, being made “brethren” of the Lord Jesus Christ. We now look into the practical application of the Spirit-filled life.

Only when our relationship with God according to obeying his Word is correct will our relationships with the brethren be correct! If we don’t, or WON’T walk in the Spirit, we will only fulfill the lusts of our flesh.