Souls Harbor Baptist Church

Right Thinking

Feb 25, 2024    Pastor Matthew Stahl

Following the pleading of God for believers to present their life unto him as a living sacrifice unto God and be transformed in our minds so that we may prove what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God, Paul now turns us into the RIGHT THINKING. The Apostle Paul’s letters come front-loaded with doctrine: what we are to Believe as a Christian. They are then back-loaded with what the Right Doctrine must produce: The Normal Christian Life! If a believer is never taught the Teachings of Jesus Christ, the Doctrines of the Faith, then they can never be transformed into a powerful living testimony of the Saving and Changing Grace of God through Christ. They will remain a life unchanged or become a menace through sheer will to be a good Christian, bless God! 

Your beliefs dictate how you behave. 

Your behavior reveals your beliefs!