Souls Harbor Baptist Church

The Church and State

Mar 10, 2024    Pastor Matthew Stahl

In Chapter 12, God was teaching the rule and relationships of His Church. He commands believers not to seek their own vengeance, but to allow God to repay. He now turns our minds to our rule and relationships with the state, or government, and we begin to understand part of how God will indeed do so. When this was written, the first church was almost exclusively Jewish, and they were tired of being under Roman Gentile rule, believing that they had one king, Jesus. In the Theological realm they were correct. But in the physical realm, they are now, as we, given the Will of God for our relationship with human government. We will also see what God intended it to be and understand also what happens when those in governmental rule don’t obey God. I also hope that you will see that God is JUST & understand who’s at fault for so much suffering in this world.