Souls Harbor Baptist Church

The Hope of All The World

Jan 21, 2024    Pastor Matthew Stahl

Chapter 11 of Romans returns to the question raised about the nation of Israel and God’s promises, namely “Hath God cast away his people?” The Apostle Paul clearly makes the answer available and further teaches on the Unsearchable wisdom and knowledge of God in his judgments and ways in which he has extended the gift of mercy and grace to all people, Jews and Gentiles alike. Paul is also still dealing with NATIONS, not individuals, in this chapter. Proponents of a belief that God has predetermined before creation who gets to be saved and who would not be saved but go to hell continue to use this passage, as well as chapter 9, to perpetuate that heresy. Likewise, their are a number of groups that use this same passage, as well as passages from the book of Hebrews, to teach and reinforce their doctrines of Temporary Salvation; that one can be saved, then lost, then saved, then lost, etc. NEITHER is true, both are heretical doctrines, misleading millions of people in each generation. Chapter 11 of the book of Romans is the conclusion of verses 9 & 10 in regards to God’s promises to a nation, his chosen, his elect, the apple of his eye, Israel.