Souls Harbor Baptist Church

Miracle of Christ #4 - The First Fishing Trip

May 29, 2024    Pastor Matthew Stahl

The Gospel of Luke shows us 4 Frustrated Fishermen whose living depended upon their fishing prowess. Andrew, Peter, James, and John have been on the sea all night looking for a big haul, however, this fateful night they caught nothing! The morning had come and the men were cleaning their nets in preparation for the next night. Jesus Christ had just been preaching in the synagogues of Galilee, and went to the lakeshore, where the people pressed upon him to hear more. He commandeers one of the fishing boats, Simon Peter’s, and tells him to put the boat out a bit from shore, and sat down and taught the people that had gathered. Afterwards, he tells Peter to go out to the deeper waters and start fishing. Peter reluctantly agrees to obey…