Souls Harbor Baptist Church

After This Manner Pray

Apr 24, 2024    Pastor Matthew Stahl

Jesus Has previously stated that his followers are not to pray as the hypocrites whose motives are to be seen and praised by men, nor to pray as the heathen pray, with vain repetitions in expectation they will be heard because they speak so much. He did direct us to private, sincere pray behind a closed door with a promise that in such secret prayer our Father would bring an answer openly. He then directs them in what Manner they are to pray. This model given by our Savior is often referred to as the Lord’s Prayer and is ironically used as a repetitious rote public religious ceremonial prayer around the world. This is not what our Lord has been teaching. He is teaching the Manner, or Way, in which true pray is to be made, made clear by stating we are to pray “after this manner.”