Souls Harbor Baptist Church

Miracle of Christ #9 - Healing a Man With a Withered Hand

Jul 3, 2024    Pastor Matthew Stahl

Setting: It was a Sabbath day, and Jesus was previously walking through a corn field with his disciples on the Jewish day of rest and had been reprimanded by the Pharisees because the disciples were hungry, picked some corn and ate it. The Gospel of Matthew, Mark, and Luke again give us the account of the Lord Jesus Christ working miracles. The evangelist’s records show us that Jesus on the Sabbath day entered into a synagogue and taught the people and then healed a man which had a withered hand, much to the consternation of the scribes and the Pharisees. To the Miracle Man this was a great opportunity in teaching a lesson how truth had been corrupted and another opportunity for his own people to see that he is the Son of God…