Souls Harbor Baptist Church

Miracles of Christ #8 - Healing a Quadriplegic

Jun 26, 2024    Pastor Matthew Stahl

The Gospel of Matthew, Mark, and Luke give us the account of the Lord Jesus Christ back in the city of Capernaum, revealed to us here as “his own city,” apparently telling that he had moved from his childhood home of Nazareth at some point. When he had first ministered there, so many people thronged him with their physical needs that he had to go out to a desert place until the crowds subsided. However, they just followed him! Upon his return a great number of people had again gathered together to see him. There where so many upon his return that there was not enough room for them all to assemble as he preached the word unto them! There would also come four men demonstrating true friendship for one who was stricken with the palsy to the point of being bed-ridden, who would not be denied access to the Miracle Man…